What is electromobility?

Electromobility as a term refers to the use of electricity to move vehicles, instead of fossil fuels. It is more about a general concept than a specific technology.

Electric vehicles are transportation devices that move with the help of electricity. Electric energy is stored in batteries, and the movement of these vehicles is accomplished with the help of one or more electric motors. The batteries are charged via a cable in an electrical socket or by the movement of the engine. Electric vehicles can be cars, trains, buses, trucks, scooters, mopeds, bicycles, etc.

These vehicles have a fuel engine and batteries that are powered by the movement of the engine, without the possibility of charging at an electrical outlet.
There are a few types of electric vehicles:: Hybrid electric vehicles These vehicles have a fuel engine and batteries that are powered by the movement of the engine, without the possibility of charging at an electrical outlet. Plug-in hybrid vehicles These vehicles have a fuel engine, an electric motor and plug-in rechargeable batteries. 
  • Hybrid electric vehicles

Овие возила имаат мотор на гориво и батерии кои се напојуваат од движењето на моторот, без можност да се полнат на приклучок за електрична енергија.

  • Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
These vehicles have a fuel engine, an electric motor and plug-in rechargeable batteries.
  • Battery Electric Vehicles
These vehicles have an electric motor and batteries that are charged by plugging in.

There are many benefits of using electric vehicles, both for the owners and for society.

For the owners:
  • Electric vehicles are more efficient than the ones running on fuel – electricity costs are significantly lower than fossil fuel costs.
  • Electric vehicles are cheaper to maintain, mostly due to the smaller number of parts that in traditional vehicles require frequent servicing. With today's technology, manufacturers also offer long lasting batteries, without the need to replace them.
  • The way the weight of the batteries is distributed, but also the lower probability of ignition in case of collision, makes most electric vehicles safer to use.

For society:
  • Reducing air pollution
By the fact that they do not use fossil fuels (or in the case of hybrid vehicles, they use less), the vehicles have reduced or zero CO2 emissions.
  • Reduced noise pollution
Electric vehicles are almost silent, so in populated areas, noise reduction increases the quality of life.
  • Use of renewable energy
The use of with electric vehicles motivates the use of renewable energy sources that further contribute to the reduction of air and environmental pollution.